Lipo Freeze

Freeze and destroy fat cells below the surface of the skin.

What is 3d Lipo?

Technically known as ‘Cryolipolysis’, but simply known as ‘fat-freezing’; 3D Lipo-Freeze is a non-surgical procedure, which uses a handheld device to precisely freeze and destroy fat cells below the surface of the skin.

How does it work?

The freezing technique crystallizes the fat cells and allows your body to break down the content of the cells and dispose of them naturally via the lymphatic system. With this treatment, you will typically see a reduction of 20-40% in the treated area. Pain-free and non-invasive, this treatment requires no down time and very minimal after care. What’s more, the results are permanent.

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How much fat can I expect to lose?

With this treatment, you will typically see a reduction of 20-40% of the fat cells in the treated area after one session.

Is there any downtime or recovery?

Lipo-freezing is a non-invasive procedure, so there is no downtime or recovery. You can pursue your usual activities immediately after treatment. There are a number of things to avoid in terms of skin care after treatment; this will be listed on the aftercare sheet provided by your therapist.

Who is a suitable candidate for a Lipo-Freeze treatment?

Both men and women of age 18 and above are equally able to have this procedure. The most suitable candidate is someone who is struggling to lose stubborn pockets of fat that are difficult to lose through diet and exercise. There are some medical conditions and medications which contraindicate this procedure; so just be sure to mention these to your therapist on consultation.

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Which areas can be treated with Lipo-Freeze?

  • Chin
  • Arms
  • Underarm
  • Back
  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Knees
  • Chest area (males only)

Is this the only treatment I will need?

You typically only need one treatment to achieve a 20- 40% reduction in the area treated. You should see a significant reduction providing you follow any aftercare instructions and follow a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle.

What happens to the fat?

When the freezing technology of Lipo-Freeze is applied to areas of excess fat the treated fat cells are crystallized, becoming damaged cells. These are naturally processed and permanently eliminated by the body, leaving you more toned and sculpted. The fat cells are eventually excreted through the urine, which is why you must drink 2 litres of water per day to help flush the cells out of the body.

How long does a Lipo-Freeze treatment take?

One treatment lasts 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the area being treated.

When will I see results?

Most patients see maximum results around 12 weeks after treatment; but some may see results in as early as a few weeks, providing you follow any aftercare instructions provided by your therapist. Dropping a dress size is not an uncommon result with this procedure. There is one major exception; those who gain weight during the course of treatment. If you are serious about body contouring, you must avoid weight gain during treatment or your results will be poor.

How long do the results last?

The results of a Lipo-Freeze treatment are actually permanent. Adults don’t produce new fat cells, so the number of cells destroyed and removed from the body remains permanent. That said; when we gain weight our fat cells expand. Gaining weight after Lipo-freezing could still mean an increase in the size of the remaining fat cells. So be sure to follow a healthy balanced diet and lifestyle after your procedure.

Is Lipo-Freeze surgery?

No. In contrast to surgical liposuction and other invasive procedures; Lipo-Freeze is a non-invasive method, which is a good alternative to surgery for those who are not quite ready to go under the knife. Lipo-Freeze and liposuction are both intended to be body sculpting procedures, but the treatment that’s right for you depends on your situation and desired results.

What are the side effects of Lipo-Freeze?

When performed by a qualified 3D therapist, 3D Lipo-Freeze is very safe. Typical side effects include redness, minor bruising, tingling, numbness, or discomfort in the treated area. These are temporary and should resolve quickly.


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